Puerto Rico Revises COVID-19 Lock Down and Curfew, Quarantines Arriving Airplane Passengers, and Prohibits Publication of False Information on Emergency Executive Orders
Posts Categorized: NPC Legal Blog
Update on Lockdown Executive Orders for Financial Institutions and Clients

Puerto Rico Governor Executive Order No. 2020-037 “authorized the operations and personnel strictly necessary to carry out transactions directly related to financial incentives or assistance, through local and federal programs, for non-profit organizations, and small- and medium-sized businesses, as defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA). To carry out the transactions related to the funds approved under the CARES Act,” …
Puerto Rico Lockdown Order Extended to May 25th, with Exceptions, Requires Workplace Contagion Risk Management Plans

On Thursday, April 30th, 2020 the Governor Wanda Vázquez announced that she would extend the lock down and curfew orders with certain modifications providing for new exceptions to certain services, businesses and industries set to reopen, provided they met special safety and health standards, requiring Contagion Risk Management Plans, and allowing people to exercise. The Department of State published the new Executive Order No. 2020-038 on Friday, May 1st, 2020 at about 6:10 p.m.
Puerto Rico Enacts Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Effective Immediately

On April 9, 2020, Puerto Rico enacted into law Act No. 37-2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to establish a special paid sick leave for non-exempt employees infected (or are suspected of being infected) due to a state of emergency declared by either the Governor of Puerto Rico or the Secretary of the Puerto Rico Health Department.
the Governor of Puerto Rico signed into law the Real Estate Market Stimulus Act of 2010, Act No. 132 of 2010
the Governor of Puerto Rico signed into law the Real Estate Market Stimulus Act of 2010, Act No. 132 of 2010; See our Memorandum on Senate Bill 1720 of August 23, 2010 on some of the provisions of this legislation.
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What You Need to Know About the Minimum Wage Increase in Puerto Rico on July 1st, 2023
On July 1, 2023, the minimum wage of all non-exempt employees in Puerto Rico, as defined by Puerto Rico Act No. 47-2021 and who are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act, will increase from $8.50 per hour to $9.50 per hour. Background of the Puerto Rico Minimum Wage On September 21, 2021, the Puerto… Read more »
Puerto Rico slashes workers’ comp premiums by half for most employers, effective July 1st, 2023, and proposes doubling weekly allowances and instituting cost-of-living adjustments for all injured workers’ benefits.

On June 21, 2023, the Governor of Puerto Rico, Hon. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia together with the Administrator of the State Insurance Fund Corporation, Jesús M. Rodríguez Rosa, announced dramatic measures and proposals for the next legislative session. The Governor announced a historic 50% reduction in workers’ compensation premiums for most employers, effective July 1st, 2023, as well as a legislative bill to increase weekly allowances by 100% and make cost-of-living adjustments for injured workers.
We Know What the New I-9 Form Looks Like and How It May Affect Your Future!

On Aug. 1, 2023, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services published a revised version of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. Among the changes to the form is the addition of a checkbox that E-Verify-enrolled employers can use to indicate that they remotely examined identity and employment authorization documents using a DHS-approved alternative procedure. … Read more »
Employers beware: A new Puerto Rico law gives employees the right to request modifications and a reduced work schedule if they register as Informal Caregivers.
A new Puerto Rico law gives employees the right to request modifications and a reduced work schedule if they register as Informal Caregivers.
Puerto Rico Workers’ Compensation offers a special one-time fixed 5% discount on premiums for workplaces that are safe and accident-free for two years in a row

The workers’ compensation yearly experience review was changed on August 8th, 2023, by Act No. 85-2023, effective immediately, to offer an additional one-time fixed 5% special discount on premiums for establishments without occupational accidents for two years in a row. Experience-based discounts have historically been set by the Corporación del Fondo del Seguro del Estado in accordance with regulations and not specific legislative mandates.